September 2016
Monthly Archive
Sat 17 Sep 2016
Posted by Kathleen under
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Suzy is one of those little miniature Goldens we get from time to time. She weighs 38 pounds and is nimble and sweet. She is very loving, loves to play with other dogs. She is a flirt with boy dogs, LOL. She is 18 months old, has had her shots, is chipped.
She doesn’t bark, doesn’t chew things up although she does carry things around, LOL. She keeps taking my shoes outside. She is curious, smart and likes running.
Let me know if you would like to meet her. Make sure your application is on file 🙂
Sat 17 Sep 2016
Posted by Kathleen under
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Nathan was being held at the shelter in the garage because he was in such bad condition. He was classified as a *hospice* dog and was basically on the *kill* list. Nathan is also blind. Tootsie’s Vision pulled him and agreed to a collaboration with us. Their financial support made it possible for Nathan to get the Vet care that made him well.

Six weeks later, we have a MIRACLE dog.

He had dental surgery and had 8 teeth pulled. He had 3 abscessed teeth.I cannot imagine the pain he was in. His skin is all healed. His coat is growing back in and is shining. We had company today and he was smiling and laughing with all the attention. He has mapped the entire house and yard, can hear the dinner dishes being placed on the countered from 4 rooms away and is one happy camper. He is housebroken, has had all his shots and is chipped.
You know I don’t usually do the drama *before* thing, but this is the best of rescue. Nathan is a FABULOUS dog. He is funny, loving, affectionate, cooperative. He loves to walk on a leash, he likes other dogs and LOVES people. He is one beautiful dog. If you would like to share your home with a loving boy who will fill you with gratitude and joy, let’s talk.
Fri 9 Sep 2016
Posted by Kathleen under
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Oliver is a 7-month-old little Golden Cross.Our best guess is that he a Golden Border Collie cross. He was found as a stray. He has the most amazing temperament: he is affectionate, warm, obliging and curious. He is house trained, likes other dogs, knows how to pack behavior (hits the deck when the BIG dog tells him to) and loves to play.
He is self-confident and sweet. He has had his shots, is chipped and set to go If you want a perfect little nublet, this is your boy. I love this sweetie (which is why we accepted him into the program, LOL)
email Kathleen at Make sure you have submitted your application before you contact me, please.