Nugget is a 2 year old affable goofball. He likes everyone. He likes other dogs and gets along with everyone. He licks Logan’s face when he walks by.
He is willing, enthusiastic, energetic and LOVES to learn. He needs training but will flourish if you get your clicker and work with him. He is a great dog.
email me
Mr. Raggs is a one year old Golden Retriever Husky Cross.He is exuberant, loves people,loves children and life.He has been living with 3 other dogs ranging from a tiny Pomeranian to a giant Mastiff. He has lived with a cat and gets along with the cat just fine. His major downfall is his love of chickens :). HIs family got him as a companion for their grandmother. The little fluffball became an athletic teenager and had to go back to life with the family. Family raises chickens so they called us at rescue to see if we might help him find a new home.
he is housetrained, neutered, chipped, has had all his shots, is on heartworm meds and is set to go. He is a real sweetheart and will make a great family dog!
email if you would like to meet him.