Mr. Jake is a 9 month old with lots of energy and ready to rock. He will do really well with someone who runs because he is very athlete. He loves other dogs, and is unflappable with them. We were astounded at his reaction to my barking dogs.
He needs training. Daisy’s owners got him to keep her company and then did not work with him. He is very excited to learn things, but he is a teenager and wants to be with someone who knows how to help him be an ace.
email me at kathleen@radiantrecovery.com

Brandy is a 18 month old Golden with a lovely personality. She is quiet, laid back and has a sunny disposition. She was an owner surrender from a family that just did not have the time to take care of her.
email me at kathleen@radiantrecovery.com

William and Daisy are little Golden Mixes who are about 4 months old. They are very energetic and loving. If you have ever imagined doing agility, one of these pups would be a perfect candidate. The are quick, agile and love to perform. They run and run and then want to hop in your lap and be cuddled.
They both look just the same although Daisy is a bit bigger.
If you are looking for a puppy and want to have the fun of building their relationship ship with you, these are really sweet.
email me at kathleen@radiantrecovery.com