February 2009
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Sun 22 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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Bo and Duke are buddies. Their people are moving and cannot take them.
The white boy is Duke and is 4 1/2. We have asked for more information about Duke
Bo, the Golden is 5 1/2 and a major sweetie. He is VERY loyal and playful. He would play frisbee every day if given the chance. . They have 2 little kids (toddler and baby) and he is excellent with them. He has a lot of energy an will do really well with someone who runs and wants a companion.
The owner decided to send the dogs up to CO rescue so we did not have a chance to place them.
Thu 19 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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Harley is 11 months and was turned into animal control by her owner for chasing chickens. Here is her foster mom’s report:
She really loves humans but gets excited and wants to jump up on you to play. Was fine with my 5 year old son and didn’t try to jump on him. I’ll work on that as well as sitting on command and loose leash walking. I took her outside this afternoon and with some coaxing she walks fine without any pulling. She is very weary of cars and hesitant about going places she doesn’t know. I don’t think she has had much time on a lead.
She seems perfectly fine with Aero, the Golden, but is weary of Atlas my Great Dane. Atlas is just a puppy but is taller than her so it may be intimidation. She seems fine when I’m with all the dogs together. She doesn’t cause a ruckus while in the sunroom but does whimper just a tad then quiets down. It is looking like she is potty trained but time will tell. She ate her dinner fine and is not aggressive when you’re around her with food or a bone.
Ok, has a new home and she is thrilled.
Mon 16 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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This is a silly picture. She is really quite darling. Shasta is an 10 months old female. She is shy and skittish and needs to be socialized some. She is very loving and very pretty. We are just getting to know her.
Shasta is with her new family. They just love her and she loves them!
Mon 16 Feb 2009

Annie was a 10 week old blind puppy. She was with me long enough to get to know her personality. She was a feisty little thing with a few quirks. I found her enchanting.
Little annie really deteriorated over the last week and started to have increasing fits of growling, snarling and biting herself. It is as if her brain was unraveling. It was getting to place of her not being safe, my not being able to care for her. And it really seemed as if the issue of *quality of life* was just no longer viable. So, very sadly, I made the decision to let her go.
I think of her now being with her brother Franklin, with her sight and smell and balance restored, raoming with him in green fields like the grasses in California in January when the rains come.
I know we all did the best we could.
Thu 12 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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This is her mug shot before her bath. Georgia is a really sweet dog. She is about 3 even though her muzzle has some white. She has a wonderful temperament, loves other dogs, is very affectionate.
She will make a fabulous pet.
Georgia has a wonderful forever home on a farm with a family who recently lost their Golden.
Tue 10 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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Foster was rescued from Animal Control in El Paso. He is now living in Las Cruces with Margarite, who is a veterinary technician. He has made lots of friends at the veterinary clinic.
Tue 10 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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Cuddles was an owner surrender at the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley. She had been diagnosed with heartworm disease and was going to be put down. After being rescued by GRRNM, she is now at home in El Paso with Paul, Jayme and Kadin, the cat.
She has been renamed Esther after Queen Esther in the Bible. Like Esther, she came from a humble background (obviously because of her heartworms and being given to the pound), she was prepared for a time (because she had to go through the heartworm treatments), she was chosen by the king (Kadin let her in his house!), and she is DEFINITELY queen of the palace!!
Tue 10 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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Bella was rescued from the animal shelter in Carlsbad. She is now getting lots of love and attention from her new family in Las Cruces.
Sat 7 Feb 2009
Posted by Kathleen under
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If you are interested in getting a magnet for your car or truck, pls email kathleen at kathleen@radiantrecovery.com
Sat 7 Feb 2009

Leo was picked up as a strays, and was scheduled to be put down the following day. Leo had a tag with his name, an address, and a phone number. Animal Control contacted the owner, apparently more than once. Leo’s owners did not want to pay the $25 fee to get him released. I picked up Leo that morning, January 7.
Leo impressed me with his calm demeanor and loving nature. He fit right into our household, including the other doggies, immediately. He had been neutered and microchipped already so I went ahead and got his distemper/parvo shot. Dana came to look at Leo and fell in love with him on the spot, and he with her. He was exactly what she had described in her application as what she had been looking for.
Dana needed to make some repairs to her fence, and get her yard cleaned up before Leo could move in, so she planned to pick him up a few days later.
During that time period the local mobile vet was out to our house for something else, so we had her draw blood and run a heartworm test. Bad news here — he was heartworm positive. We decided to go ahead with treatment. We knew that Dana was in love with him. For that matter, we were, too. He is a wonderful little pooch.
So we got the heartworm treatment started, and kept him at our house for the first week. Then he went to Dana’s house, where he is now. She is taking care of him during the remainder of the recovery phase from the heartworm treatment, where he continues to do very well in his forever home. He is such a calm dog that he doesn’t need to be crated, and Dana calls every other day to report on his latest antics, with which she is thoroughly enamored.
Leo is the ideal GRRNM success story.
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