No, we do NOT have this puppy . That was just to get your attention. We generally get dogs that have been lost, neglected or given up because they are rowdy teenagers who were never trained. Or they are old or chunky or abandoned.
Often they look more like this boy

The key is to call us and make sure you are in our data base. I am also going to suggest that you join the yahoo email list. Go back to http://www.grrnm.com/ to join. I will start posting there whenever I put up new dogs.
We are also looking at the possibility of bringing some dogs from out of state and doing a golden adoptathon. So, let’s get connected.
And please consider looking at one of the older ones. I love these dogs. And no, do not be fearful that they might *die* too soon. My most favorite rescue dog in the world was Jake who came to me at 13. No one wanted him, so he stayed till he was 16 and blessed my life.
Zoe was adopted within 20 minutes ..
We are going to be getting other dogs, so keep in touch.
This is the report we got from the owner who is giving Zoe up.
Here is Zoe and she is 31/2 even though I think she looks under 2. She was fixed right when we got her 6 months ago and she is up to date on her shots. She is an angel to our little girl and she is a dog that loves companionship. She was an outside dog for the 1st three years of her life and she’s been basically a full time inside dog for us. We are gone during the day for 6-8 hours and she does great. She doesn’t like sleeping on the bed as she sleeps under our bed. She follows me or Julia and has to be in the same room as us. Another cool thing is that she will hang out in the front yard with us and not run off. We live in a cul d sac and everyone loves playing with her. She timid and she does get scared easily.
Please call Patti at 250-2426 if you are interested in seeing Zoe.

Well Emily and Louie were ecstatic tonight….their person was able to be reunited!
Thanks to Debbra and Kathleen for the hard work. Nice!!
Emily is a very, very sweet older gal. She is loving, affectionate, low key and very amenable. She has a slight limp but other than that is bright and pronounced fit by the vet. We think she might be about 10. She too was given up by her owner who lost his house. She is looking for a very special home.